Linggo, Oktubre 27, 2013

How I Make My Walk Enjoyable Every Day

Yes. I make my walk enjoyable every day. How do I do that? I am thinking about my loved ones. I am thinking about my goal in my life.  

  1. I want to preach the words of God – How can I do that if I am weak physically? I need to live fit and healthy. Adam and Eve were created by God healthy, but they committed sin, and yes, I inherit it – all of us – this sin is not just death but the cause of deaths too like illnesses, diseases, etc.
  2. I love my girl. Oh yes, I want to build a family with her, with our child, and you know, a family won’t be complete without a father – that’s me!
  3. I love my family. I need to stay healthy for them. I love my Mom and want to show my love for her. I can’t do that when I am 6 feet under the ground. 
  4.  In connection to no. 1, I love my neighbours; I want them to know the truth about the True God – Jehovah who promised us an everlasting life.

These are four important reasons why I make my walk enjoyable every day. I walk 30 to 40 minutes under the morning sun, and I walk 30 t0 40 minutes on the evening on my way home. I never get tired because I enjoy every step I take.

I believe that every step I take is equal to 1 second + to my life here on earth. I know that my life is temporary, but I need to live longer for my loved ones.

You know guys, if you feel or think that you can’t walk – I tell you – you are wrong because walking is definitely for all ages!

Will you walk with me to health and fitness?

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